Eden™ (SJCA38R6A74)

  • Season: October
  • Main characteristic/s: Dessert non browning apple
  • Breeder: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Characteristics of Eden™ (SJCA38R6A74)
  • Non browning after cutting
  • A dessert apple with improved firmness and crispness, high quality flesh and excellent shelf life
  • The flesh is juicy, firm, crisp and resistant to bruising
  • Excellent candidate for fresh fruit slices, fruit salad, dried apple chips and processing
Fruit Quality
The fruit of Eden™ are medium to large size, averaging about 150g on non-thinned trees. The fruit skin has an average thickness, mainly washed red to dark red, fading at the edges, with a little marbling and striping, over greenish-yellow. The fruit is aromatic, sweet, juicy, firm and crisp. In laboratory tests fruit of Eden remained crisp with no signs of browning after two to three days at room temperature. It will remain fresh in cold storage for up to five months. Fruit is susceptible to bitter pit, especially if the season is dry and no irrigation is provided.

Fruit Yield
The yield of Eden™ is very similar to the ‘Macspur’ and fruits are resistant to water core, and unlike ‘Macspur’, they do not drop at maturity, but stay on the tree for several weeks after, even at -20 ºC, which might make Eden™ a good candidate for ice cider production.

Plant Characteristics
The trees are upright and semi-vigorous with wide angled branches. They are hardy grown at Frelighsburg, Quebec, which has an average winter minimum temperature of -25 ºC.

Disease Resistance
The trees show good resistance to powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha) and appears to be tolerant to scab (Venturia inaequalis) but may be susceptible to canker (Neonectria ditissima).

Plant Supply
Eden™ (SJCA38674) is protected under Community (EU) Plant Variety Rights Grant No. EU 52781. The propagation and sale of plants, or parts of plants of Eden without a licence is prohibited. Eden™ is available from the following licensed propagators:

Propagation Licence Holders

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Sales Licence Holders (Commercial Growers)

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Sales Licence Holders (Amateur/Garden Market ONLY)

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Growing-on / Transformation Licence Holders

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