- Season: Early Season
- Main characteristic/s: Good fruit yield and quality.
- Breeder: AAFC, Canada
Characteristics of Wendy
Fruit Quality- Early season variety
- Good fruit yield
- Good fruit and quality
The primary berries are wedge-shaped, while other berries being mainly conical. The fruit are slightly darker in colour and firmer than Annapolis. The fruit of Wendy have excellent fresh flavour and are considered superior to Annapolis by the breeder.
Fruit Yield
The fruit yield of ‘Wendy’ is generally similar to or greater than ‘Annapolis’, the leading early season cultivar in Canada. T he mean fruit weight of ‘Wendy’ is 14 to 15 g compared with 12 to 13 g for ‘Annapolis’.
Plant Characteristics
Plants are vigorous and produce runners freely.
Disease Resistance
Plants are moderately resistant to powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) but are susceptible to Verticillium wilt. Plants carry a moderate level of resistance to red core (Phytophthora fragariae).
Plant Supply
Wendy is protected under Community (EU) Plant Variety Rights Grant No. EU 37431. The propagation and sale of plants, or parts of plants, of Wendy without a licence is prohibited. Wendy is available from the following licensed propagators:
Propagation Licence Holders
- Country
- Company
- Website
- Telephone
- NL
- RAPO Verkoop BV
- Visit website
- +31 165 542 942
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Sales Licence Holders (Commercial Growers)
- Country
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- Website
- Telephone
- NL
- Delta Green BV
- Visit website
- +31 314 622 634
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- CZ
- Jahodárna Vraňany
- Visit website
- +420732 875 321
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- CZ
- Sempra Turnov s.r.o
- Visit website
- +420 481 321 273
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- FI
- Marja-Suomen Taimituotanto OY
- Visit website
- +358 408 643 3838
- Send email
Sales Licence Holders (Amateur/Garden Market ONLY)
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Growing-on / Transformation Licence Holders
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